When we think about our wellness, oftentimes our physical health comes to our minds. Although it is imperative that we exercise, eat well, and get consistent rest; our mindset and mental health impacts our wholistic being. In order to experience, total health, we must find practical ways to look after our mental wholeness.
Take a moment to read the 10 simple tips below and be intentional to incorporate some of them into your daily lives.
Talk about your feelings - Talking about your feelings can help you stay in good mental health and deal with times when you feel trouble (when necessary you may need to speak to a professional therapist, counselor, or physician)
Keep active - Regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and can help you concentrate, sleep, and feel better. Exercise keeps the brain and your other vital organs healthy and is also a significant benefit towards improving your mental health. (personal example from yesterday evening) :)
Eat well - Your brain needs a mix of nutrients in order to stay healthy and function well, just like the other organs in your body. A diet that’s good for your physical health is also good for your mental health.
Drink Sensibly - We often drink alcohol to change our mood. Some people drink to deal with fear or loneliness, but the effect is only temporary. When the drink wears off, you feel worse because of the way the alcohol has affected your brain and the rest of your body. Drinking is not a good way to manage difficult feelings.
Keep in touch - There’s nothing better than catching up with someone face to face, but that’s not always possible. You can also give them a call, drop them a note, or chat with them online instead. Keep the lines of communication open: it’s good for you!
Ask for help - None of us are superhuman. We all sometimes get tired or overwhelmed by how we feel or when things go wrong. If things are getting too much for you and you feel you can’t cope, ask for help. Your family or friends may be able to offer practical help or a listening ear. Local services are there to help you.
Take A Break - A change of scene or a change of pace is good for your mental health. It could be a five-minute pause from cleaning your kitchen, a half-hour lunch break at work, or a weekend exploring somewhere new. A few minutes can be enough to de-stress you. Give yourself some ‘me time'.
Do Something You are Good At - What do you love doing? What activities can you lose yourself in? What did you love doing in the past? Enjoying yourself can help beat stress. Doing an activity you enjoy probably means you’re good at it, and achieving something boosts your self-esteem.
Accept who you are - We’re all different. It’s much healthier to accept that you’re unique than to wish you were more like someone else. Feeling good about yourself boosts your confidence to learn new skills, visit new places and make new friends. Good self-esteem helps you cope when life takes a difficult turn.
Care For Others - Caring for others is often an important part of keeping up relationships with people close to you. It can even bring you closer together. It also makes you feel good to care for other people and help them when possible. It allows you to focus your attention on others instead of yourself.
I want to truly emphasize the importance of taking care of our mental health. If at any time, you feel the need to reach out for professional help, do so. Do not be afraid or embarrassed. We must not be ashamed to realize that seeking mental health care is just as important as seeing our medical doctors on a regular basis. Life is a challenging journey and always remember that you are never alone.